Credit Unions Face Increasing Healthcare Premium Costs

Pre-funded Employee Benefit Accounts can help Mitigate Rising Costs IOWA – As benefit renewal season approaches, employers face another year of escalating premium costs. Employee benefits like healthcare are critical for attracting and retaining a quality workforce...

Investors should keep an eye on inflation

The economy is booming.  The Federal Reserve’s forecast for GDP growth for this year is now up to 7%.  That would be the fastest growth since 1984.  Incidentally, in 1984 the 10 year Treasury bond yield averaged 12.46%, today it is about 1.46%. Helping to fuel the...

Three financial investment lessons from the COVID pandemic

Now that vaccines are plentiful and effective, the economy is emerging from the COVID-induced recession that began a little more than a year ago. As we reflect on the past year, we can identify a few trends that serve as financial lessons for the future. The...